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increase awareness of modifiable risk factors,
prevent diagnosis and
deliver individualized interventions.
increase awareness of modifiable risk factors,
prevent diagnosis and
deliver individualized interventions.

Now Available. Check your local bookstore or click here. Also, check back here for book talks and events. If you're interested in collaborating on a discussion of Dementia Health or exploring individualized yogic and Ayurvedic approaches to preventable dementia, contact me.
My promise to the community is to encourage active aging by offering health promotion services. I offer the following:

Together, we can play with an integrative approach to aging, one that takes into consideration your strengths, specific needs, health and history - coupled with your future goals - to achieve your desired results.
Have you been wanting to discover your strengths, be active and conscious, and embrace and appreciate the aging process? Perhaps, you are saying, “No. I am not ready to embrace anything. I am angry with getting older.” Or, maybe you are at peace with where you are and want to enhance your current strengths. Knowing you are right where you are supposed to be can be comforting, even if you're feeling uncomfortable.
Maybe you find yourself wondering:
Maybe we are compatible co-travelers who can collaborate on you meeting your goals. Let's find out. |